Music Medicine Bibliography


The Arts in Psychotherapy
The Australian Journal of Music Therapy
The Journal of Music Therapy
Music Therapy
Music Therapy Perspectives
Selected Allied Health Journals
Compiled by

Martha A. Burke, MS, RMT-BC
Marshall M. Burke, RN
c 1995

Covered areas include: anxiety/relaxation/stress reduction; cardiology; creative arts therapies; depression; geriatrics/dementia/Alzheimers disease; labor and delivery; medical settings; neonatology; oncology/palliative care/AIDS; pain management; pediatrics; physioacoustic/vibroacoustic therapy; physical rehabilitation; surgery

Music Medicine Bibliography: 1985-1995             $20.00 per copy
                                                   $ 3.00 postage
                     TOTAL                         $23.00

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Please make checks payable to Martha Burke and mail to:

Martha Burke, MS, RMT-BC
1013 Green St.
Durham, NC 27701
Questions????? Call (919) 682-8875 
E-mail: Martha Burke, MS, RMT-BC

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